Stenography is an art of writing spoken words in a paper/book or we can say the writing of shorthand in the form of dictation is called Stenography. Shorthand means sound writing. Stenography is a very old language which is used in courts, ministries, government offices, companies, etc now also. Learning Shorthand not only improves one’s employ ability, good grip on the subject, but also good command in English, Hindi or any other language in which the person is transcribing. Only key for learning Shorthand is to have a lot of patience and practicing regularly for building good speed. After writing shorthand outlines, the matter or paragraph is thus transcribed in long hand writing(in regular English, Hindi or any other language) or in computer or in type-writer. There are huge employment opportunities in various sectors like personal assistant, senior assistant, secretary, etc. Now a days both young boys and girls are learning this beautiful language for employment and Education basis. There are various departmental exams for higher growth in short period for a Stenographer. A Stenographer is highly appreciated and respected person. There are various types of systems in stenography language and a candidate can learn any one form of stenography. But in India, mostly Sir Isaac Pitman’s Shorthand language form is used. And this language is the oldest form of Shorthand/Stenography.
Mainly, four skills are required for the person to be known as a stenographer:-
1. Shorthand language (any one form).
2. Reading back the written strokes/outlines/shorthand notes.
3. Transcription on type-writer or computer accurately.
4. Good speed in type-writing.
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